
Acutonics®, n. 1. System of vibrational sound healing rooted in Oriental Medicine and philosophy that utilizes tuning forks and symphonic gongs tuned to the planets, Tibetan bowls, bells, drums, and rattles. Connecting body, mind, and soul in the journey toward optimal health, harmonic attunement or at-one-ment with all things in the Universe.

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2. The integral way, undifferentiated wholeness, the essence of Tao.

The primary focus of our work is Sound Healing Education, and Self-care for you and your family; through the application of custom calibrated Acutonics® Tuning Forks, tuned to the frequencies of the Earth, Moon, Sun and Planets to acupuncture points, trigger points, and points of pain.

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Take a look at our upcoming 5 day Intensive or 3 day Level One Workshop

The creative and cross-disciplinary way in which we use tuning forks, the frequencies that we work with, and the depth of this methodology is unique to the Acutonics® System. In the therapeutic environment we also utilize Planetary Gongs, Tibetan Bowls, drums, rattles, and fine classical music that evokes the archetypal and mythic qualities of the planets. Through correspondence and sympathy the planets have a profound connection to Oriental Medicine, the natural cycles of the universe, and to the Earth itself. Our deep connections to the Earth combined with the recognition that illness of the planet manifests in personal illness also drives us to focus on how each one of us can work toward living in harmony to create a Sustainable future.

Our approach to wellness is rooted in the spiritual and wisdom traditions of Oriental Medicine, which recognizes that most diseases arise from a core blockage in our energy. Acupuncture points provide noninvasive access into the core energetic systems within the body. The planets provide musical intervals, archetypes, and correspondences that help us to fine-tune the therapeutic frequency that is applied to the body with tuning forks. We are rooted, sustained, eternally fed, and nourished by the powers of the Earth and it is our access to cosmological wisdom, the heavens, and the microcosm that sets us on a journey of transformation, reaching beyond self or the macrocosm, as above so below, as within so without.